Monday, 23 May 2011

dog dandruff treatment

Skin disorders are fairly common among dogs. The most common problem is flaky skin and dandruff, which can lead to scratching and irritation. Some causes of this condition are poor diet, dry skin, allergies and infestation. Often this problem can be treated at home by making simple changes in your dog's life. Experiment with different products until you find what works for your dog. He will be much more comfortable and happier once the dry, itchy skin has been treated.

1 Provide high-quality food for your dog. Inexpensive food may lack essential nutrients that promote healthy skin. It also may contain additives that your dog is allergic to.


2 Bathe your dog with moisturizing shampoo. Many brands of shampoo are made for sensitive skin and to treat dandruff.

3Supplement your dog's food with vitamins, such as cod liver oil, and vitamins C and E.

4Clean your dog's living area and wash his bedding. Reduce the use of harsh chemicals in areas where the dog sleeps, such as carpets and tiled floors.

5Take the dog to your veterinarian if skin symptoms do not improve. There may be an underlying cause that requires medical attention, such as allergies or parasites.

Tips & Warnings

Consult your veterinarian before making large changes in your dog's diet. The changes may cause gastrointestinal distress if made too rapidly.

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